Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I spoke to Ronda today. She was in surgery much longer than anticipated. Almost 9 hours !!! Both of the old implants had ruptured over time and much of the implant was incapsulated into the breast tissue. Bit and pieces everywhere. It was a far more serious procedure than anticipated.
She is very sore but so happy to have the issue resolved. Because of the extensive damage, there may be a chance that insurance will cover it. She'll check on that once she's feeling better.

She had the cathader removed and was able to get up and shower, which likely hurt, but felt great at the same time.

She comes home tomorrow and that's the day I become slave to a bell. LOL Oh Dear Lord, someone help me ! I have to cook for her.....ME !!! COOK !!!! Oh, if you only knew how funny this is.

Ronda down for the count and having to eat Sinder's cooking. Poetic justice at it's very best !!!

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