Sunday, November 21, 2010

..9 Days 'til surgery


My name is Ronda, and I am about to embark on, what some might think, is a selfish endeavor. I will be having some plastic surgery. My procedures will consist of: Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck and Vasor Liposuction. This forum is where I plan to share EVERYTHING about my journey. I don't plan to hold anything back and it will NOT be pretty. This will be as honest as it gets.

I will be documenting each day, what I am going through and what I am experiencing. My sister, Sinder, will be helping me with this and I am greatful to her for that.

I am 53 years old and have finally deceided it's time to get rid of something that has been bothering me for quite a long time, my stomach. Trust me...this is not about vanity. This is about dealing with something that has actually been a real problem for me.

After having 3 wonderful, albiet LARGE children (all birth weights between 9.4 pounds and 10.5 pounds)coupled with the typical weight gain and loss over many years, I have been left with a dunlop-like tire or what is often called a "muffin-top", and not only do I hate it, it bothers me....I mean really bothers me. Can I hide or camouflage it with just the right clothing? Of course I could...and I did. But "I" still knew it was there. I could see the abdominal protrusion that was my lax skin (even if no one else could notice it.) Not only could I see it..I could feel it. Yes, feel it. I could feel it touch my legs when I sat down, I could feel it shift and fall/flop from side to side as I changed positions in bed.....oh, and when summertime came..(which is my favorite most active time of the year,) I would cringe when it came time to choose a swimsuit. No matter how cute the suit, it looked horrible on me.

Some History:

My first child was the largest and his birth was all natural..NO pain meds and given the 50 pounds I gained with that pregnancy, my body snapped back to the 130 pounds I was before my pregnancy, and at 5'10, that was not bad. Then, my daughter was born several years later, she was a C-section baby...and finally my youngest son, the V-back baby...put it all together and I have 3 amazing kids and one messed up stomach...hence, the start of my... Footprints in the Sink.

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