Sunday, December 5, 2010

So Far, So Good.

Well the past few days have been a challenge. Just sitting for the most part, the many, many short walks from the bathroom and back, the constant showering and dressing changes.the occassional anti-inflammatory and that's it. One thing I have learned...TV really stinks.

I believe I am healing up well, but tomorrow's follow-up with Dr. Baker will let me know for sure. I am hoping he will remove all these drains, but.. they are still collecting quite a I will have to wait and see.

The pain from the augmentation/repair is practically non-existant. The pain from the hip to hip incision is a bit strange...there really isn't any. It's still all odd feeling really. I am still quite swollen at this point but just in the hips, Lord, I can't wait for that to go down. Incisions are all healing well, I am walking better, however, I am still somewhat bent over. I have learned the feeling of constant back spasming...

One thing I have learned that I absolutely DON'T want to do is....cough, OMG! and what do you think I manage to do a couple times a day...that's right. Oh, that hurts like HELL! I have tried the pillow doesn't work. So, after each bout of muffeled coughing, I take my Robaxin and that helps. I have only taken the Lorcet Plus, twice. It really wasn't needed more than that.

I have to say another big thank you to my family..they are all doing such a good job taking care of me.

I believe the doctor said he had a picture for me from the surgery. If he does, I will put it up tomorrow night.

I think that's it for today, I'm feeling a bit tired. I will post again tomorrow.

I really miss my running.