Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ok, our parents picked up Ronda today and brought her home. How supportive is THAT? I was just leaving my house to go to Ronda's when my parent were pulling in. Whew !!! Might I take this opportunity to say ?: SO YOU WANNA BE A PERRING? Hah !
Ronda was tired and had the ole' "narcotic itch" going on. She was coherent enough to let me take pictures and chat for a bit. ( I suspect she won't remember any of it).

Although I made her some 15 bean soup, she opted for 1/2 of a bagel and water. She had not eaten a single thing in 3 days. She ran me ragged, I tell ya. It's too cold in here, I am not comfortable, I have to pee, this pillow is not soft enough, this one is too hard. She walks like MRS. HAWIGGINS from the Carol Burnett show. lmao !

Ya know what's cool though about being a Perring? She never REALLY complained. Not about anything that had to do with any pain.

After chatting I realized what dire consequences she could have suffered if she had NOT had her breasts repaired.

Also, I must note what a help her daughter has been through all of this. Angela? --way to go......Here's some pics.....Again, I ask, so YOU WANNA BE A PERRING?

1 comment:

  1. OMG, What did they do to you?
    Hang in there Ronda!
    MY prayers were answered!
    Thank you God and love you Ronda!
