Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7 days til surgery

It's quite warm out this morning and the fog is quite thick. I have one one patient to see before we leave for Boynton.

Yesterday brought a bit of emotional relief..you see, what I failed to mention a few days ago was, Nov. 09th was our 22nd wedding anniversary. We didn't have anything planned, didn't even talk about it. Neither one of us even brought it up. But, that morning, I had an anniversary card for my husband and placed it next to the coffee pot so that he would see it when he went for his coffee. That evening, he brought me a plant, 2 cards and a bit of news. The news caught me by surprise. It seems that the school where he is employed, where he is a teacher and a coach of 2 sports, where he just made tenure...had let him go..he was one of seven that was cut from that facility. Budget cuts they said. My heart dropped, as I am sure his had done earlier that day.
The first thing I thought about was cancelling my surgery. How could I be so selfish as to undergo a surgery of self improvement, when my husband was unemployed? How could we make the payments on this very expensive, elective procedure? That's right, payments...(for some of it, anyways)(Well? What did you think? Did you really think that I had that kind of money just laying around? Are you kidding me?)

OK..now fast forward to last night. My husband comes home and says he was picked up by another school. Well...that was a relief to hear. But, the school isn't 1/2 mile away like the one he has been at, it's 30 miles away. I suppose the important thing is, he still has a job, and for that we're grateful.

I am still looking for one of those mobility chairs to help me after the surgery. I still haven't heard back from my friend, as to the availability of the one that they own. Seems that it is being used by a relative...OK, I need to have a plan B, just in case. I tried calling some of the medical supply places...you would think they would rent those suckers...but NO!!! I just need it for about 10 days.
Time for me to get my things together...our plan is to leave here about 3:00pm. Then comes the 566 mile drive to Boynton. There is no internet at my mother-in-laws, but I will bring my laptop and try to hit one or two wi-fi spots while I am there. (I think I like this blogging stuff...it seems to open the relief valve to my mind...

One more thing...you may find plenty of mistakes grammatically and/or otherwise in these posts. Unfortunately, writing is not something that I do well...it is just something that I am doing. But, rest assured, I will be working on the doing it well part.

Till tomorrow.

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