Monday, November 22, 2010

8 days til surgery....

Thanksgiving is only a few days away. Our family typically spends this holiday with my mother-in-law down in Boynton Beach. I am not looking forward to the drive, but I am looking forward to seeing her. She will be having surgery on December 6th...hers is not elective like mine. She has breast cancer...AGAIN. This time, no more lumpectomies. They must remove the right breast. She is in good spirits and is positive that the good Lord will see her through this surgery. She has no fears and no real concerns.

While we are down in S. Florida, we will be tasting some of the best Italian food known to man. I already know the menu...

Wednesday: Menesta and beans..sometimes referred to as greens and beans. This consists of boneless pork ribs, pepperoni, escarole, savoy cabbage and beans....OMG, it is so-o-o-o delicious. And of course, this
dish would not be complete without a huge piece of fresh Italian bread in hand...torn not cut. Pass the pecarino romano cheese, please!

Thursday will be: Meatsauce. If you are not familiar with meatsauce, this consists of: italian sausage, eyeround roast, pork roast and meatballs. The pasta is almost always ziti, because it holds more gravy.
The meatsauce will come out only after the antipasta..this course alone will take hours to enjoy. And then there is the wine...Oh, the wine...(I will be purchasing a case, like I do every year, to bring back home.) You need wine for need it to make salad, to prepare dinner, to eat dinner, you need it for dessert and you need it for a nap..the wine, the right wine, is so very important...
Then, just when your stomach wants to explode, she will come out and ask if anyone want's a fried egg...that's right, a fried egg...

After each meal, I go out for a walk/run, and this week will be no different, with the exception that now, after running daily for quite a while, I suspect that I will be running longer to help burn off the tens of thousands, of the most delicious calories ever consumed...I have worked hard to keep my weight under control. Make no trip to my mother-in-laws house without a plan in place..could certainly ruin everything that I have accomplished. But I would enjoy every bite...

Today, as I have been doing for the past several days, I find myself in preparation mode for my own surgery. I am trying not to overthink it, but I want to be prepared. Medications filled, check. Laundry taken care of, check. House cleaned...well, it's not cleaned enough, but it will be by Monday night before surgery. My main concern is making sure that no infection sets seromas, please, please, Lord...I will not allow myself to overdo it.

Do you know what I worry about...and you will think it's crazy. The scar..the scar from the TT. I understand that it will be significant, but...I want it to be, well, PERFECT. I don't want a "w" shaped scar and I dont want a crooked or an uneven that asking too much? Oh, I have addressed this with the doctor...your darn tootin' I have..
Wow..we obsess over the oddest things. Or, at least I seem to.

Well, I think that's it for now. I have more things to get accomplished before I can call this day done.

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